Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Call for Special Sessions

1) Model-Based Systems Engineering for Human-Systems Integration

Keywords: Systems Engineering, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Human-Systems Integration, Early Validation and Verification, Model-Based Design, Model-Driven Design, Human-In-the-Loop Simulation

Description: Over the past decades, Systems Engineering (SE) has evolved to include computer-supported tools, modelling capabilities, and methodologies referred to as Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). The core idea behind MBSE is shifting a paradigm of system/product design from a document-centric to a model-centric approach. MBSE, Digital Engineering and Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) have facilitated major advances in systems engineering and have the potential to radically shift design and development processes. This is widely attributed to the fact that system models created today should bridge disciplines, facilitate communication and therewith collaboration, enable cost-effective verification and testing, and support the rapid exploration of system behaviours across the entire life cycle. The aim of this session is to address current challenges and to expound upon and develop innovative SE, MBSE and PLM frameworks that can accommodate a variety of methodologies and modelling constructs to be incorporated for extended system value. For this session, contributors are challenged to discuss the barriers that hinder the implementation of MBSE methodologies over the life cycle of a system, the impact of MBSE application to PLM and the application of state-of-the-art methods and tools that can be applied across diverse industries.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Projects/contribution to the industrial practice via MBSE/PLM approaches
  • MBSE research and practical applications
  • System life cycle modelling methods (multiple modelling constructs, hybrid models)
  • Model verification and formal proofs of correctness
  • Human-Systems Integration
  • Trade studies and reasoning with models
  • Modelling socio-technical systems
  • Modelling autonomous systems
  • Models for teaching and training
  • Incorporating decision theory and optimization in life cycle models
  • Integration of cyber, physical, and human elements
  • Integration of MBSE models and methods with simulations
  • Integration of MBSE models and methods with third-party tools;
  • Linking MBSE to PLM approaches.

Coordinators: Clement Fortin (c.fortin@skoltech.ru), Brendan Sullivan (Brendan.sullivan@polimi.it) and Sophia Salas Cordero (sophia.salas-cordero@isae-supaero.fr)

2) Advanced Visualization and Human Interaction for PLM

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Human-Machine Interaction, Visual Analytics, Immersive Analytics, Data Visualization

Description: In spite of the growing importance of autonomous machine learning techniques in the decision-making process, the final decision usually relies upon human judgment. Human decision-making requires advanced data visualisations and interactions to gain insight and discover opportunities in complex datasets. With the mushrooming of digital data produced by the extensive use of computational capabilities – e.g., model-centric design, the Internet Of Things, or digital twin – Product Lifecycle Management is more and more concerned by the 5 V’s of Big Data: volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value. Advanced visualization and interactions techniques facilitate human-in-the-loop reasoning to uncover patterns in complex data. The goal of this session is to demonstrate how the use of new engaging, embodied interaction and display technologies supports analytical reasoning and human decision-making across the product lifecycle.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Mixed Reality
  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Human-Centred Design
  • Human-In-the-Loop Simulation
  • Digital twin
  • Immersive analytics
  • Visual analytics
  • Tangible interfaces
  • Image-based 3D modelling and rendering
  • Tracking and motion technologies
  • Multimodal interaction
  • Self-representation and embodiment, avatars, virtual humans
  • Realistic rendering of dynamic or complex scenes
  • Haptics and force-feedback

Coordinators: Frédéric Noël (Frederic.Noel@grenoble-inp.fr), Romain Pinquié (Romain.Pinquie@grenoble-inp.fr)

3) Transformative Technologies in Production Systems

Keywords: Smart logistics, Supply chain, Inventory management, Supervision and reconfiguration of complex industrial systems, Production flow, Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing Execution Systems,

Description: The technologies of Industry 4.0 are now spreading in every industrial domain. The use of AI, robotic systems, IoT or integrative information systems is a reality and a challenge for every partner in the value chains. This special session aims at gathering the experience on the use of these technologies and to focus on the changes and challenges concerning the place of humans in the organization deploying them. Contributions will help to introduce new technologies, define methods to reach a sustainable cooperation between humans & robots, and define policies to orchestrate decision processes including human and AI technologies. Contributions are welcomed on every step of the value chain where new technologies are integrated with humans: management of supply chain, production & manufacturing, delivering, re-manufacturing, recycling …

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Operations management with I4.0 technologies
  • Supply chain management with I4.0 technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence in production systems
  • Human in Industry 4.0
  • Ethics in Industry 4.0
  • Human/Robot collaboration,
  • Human/Machine cooperation in decision systems

Coordinators: Fabien Mangione (Fabien.Mangione@grenoble-inp.fr),  Pierre David (Pierre.David@grenoble-inp.fr)


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